Boarding to and from the Dock in Extreme Tides
There are times when we are in extreme tidal situations and we need a step that helps us access the boat from the dock and then when the tide is low, extra height is needed to disembark to shore. We've run into this situation on our boat many times, typically in northern latitudes, but even in Florida, there have been times when tidal swings were enough to create unsafe situations.
This was the impetus for the development of our 2 Step Narrow Dock Step. We had the wide version 2 step for use on the dock, but it was far too narrow to use on the side decks of our full walk-around trawler.
I mentioned this to Chris and he went to work designing a solution for those of us on boats with boarding gates which have narrow side decks and the 2 Step Narrow was born.
This innovative step provides over 15 inches of vertical rise while being only 10 1/2 inches wide, narrow enough for most side decks. This makes boarding and disembarking far safer, especially for older owners and guests and personally makes me feel a lot more comfortable when my 80 year old father is able to step down off the boat rather than jumping to shore!
Like all steps, you can disassemble and store the steps flat in a matter of seconds.