Safety on the Dock and onboard with Stowaway Steps

Safety on the Dock and onboard with Stowaway Steps

Those of us who live aboard, or use our boats to travel far and wide, know well the wide variety of docks we end up on. It's rare we're lucky enough to secure a floating, concrete dock and every marina, by nature of it's presence, is subject to the impending forces of the marine environment so the variety of infrastructure can vary from comfortable to downright dangerous. 

Cruising the eastern seaboard, at times, we found ourselves climbing rotting timbers to an ant infested dock; and that was in the middle of Manhattan! The 79th street boat basin is now under a massive renovation, but there was a time I had to pull my 70 year old mother and her sister up the side of the boat, each of us trying to avoid slivers from the corroding wood. 

Further up the coast we found ourselves jumping off the boat and onto a fixed concrete dock at high tide - a recipe for disaster for elderly passengers. Rarely do these marinas provide steps and carrying something along that is built solid enough is cumbersome. 

This is why we created Stowaway Steps. In less than a minute, you can disassemble these innovative steps and store them flat. Made form UV resistant King StarBoard, these steps are made in the USA and built to last, with no fasteners or parts to corrode.

Stowaway Steps provide a level of safety you can feel comfortable carrying with you. Personally, I love the narrow two step, as it is ideal for use onboard our side decks at low tides, but solid enough to be deployed on the dock at high tide for boarding. There's a double wide, deep passerelle landing, compact single narrow step and the largest 3-step wide, that still disassembles to a compact and stowable form.

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